
در این بخش لیست ژورنال های معتبر حوزه های متفرقه مدیریت تهیه گردیده و در اختیار شما عزیزان قرار گرفته است

N نام ژورنال ISSN ناشر نمایه
1 American Journal of Operational Research 2324-6545 Scrip ISI
2 American Journal of Operations Research 2160-8849 Scrip ISI
3 Annals of Operations Research 1572-9338 Springer Scopus
4 Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research 0217-5959 WS Scopus
5 Business and Economics Journal 2151-6219 Aston EBSCO
6 Central European Journal of Operations Research 1613-9178 Springer Scopus
7 Croatian Operational Research Review 1848-0225 Hrcak EBSCO
8 International Journal of Applied Operational Research 2251-9432 iau Copernicus
9 International Journal of Supply and Operations Management 2383-2525 Ijsom Scopus
10 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1687-0042 Hindawi Scopus
11 Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 1572-9214 Springer Scopus
12 Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research 2214-2495 Springer Scopus
13 Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research 1816-2711 Pjsor Scopus
14 Quarterly Journal of the Belgian French and Italian Operations Research Societies 1614-2411 Springer Scopus
15 Revista de Administração FACES Journal 1984-6975 Fumec EBSCO
16 SORT (Statistics and Operations Research Transactions) 1696-2281 Raco Scopus

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تصویر امنیتی
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تلفن: 09217695251

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